
Some Necessary Rules of Paleo Diet

Although the first friendship on this diet is lots of animal protein that does not mean you must eat only uncooked meat and carrots, but avoiding grains, sugar and different products can do wonders. The thought of the Diet is based on the fact that grains were not part of the prehistoric person diet, and that have been introduced in the menu in time of agricultural revolution 10,000 years back.

In the past 200 years the industrial revolution extensively changed our Diet Plans and harmfulness of false additives that enlarge the shelf life of the products taken into thought. All these changes much harm our health and are main cause for disease of modern civilization, including diabetes, heart disease, obesity and cancer.

Basic idea of Paleo Diet is that we ought to eat the way we did tens of thousands of years ago, before the start of farming and long before industrialization.


Here are some necessary rules of Paleo diet: salt, sugar, grain products bread, avoiding smoked meat, rice, pasta corn, wheat, legumes, yeast, dairy products, coffee and alcohol.

Potatoes, soybeans and corn are particularly forbidden because they’re now heritably and nutritionally modified.

Meat including seafood and eggs are the most essential components of Paleo diet. Every vegetable are allowed except beans, legumes and potatoes and mushrooms are also allowed.

Fruits, nuts and seeds can be consumed. Dried fruits are intake only in small amount. Allowable are only several oils, olive, flax seed and canola oil. It is optional to eat quality Food, get rid of everything that is processed or arrive in a box.

Allowed foods

Eggs, vegetables, all kinds of meat including seafood, peppers, mostly tomatoes, cucumber, onion, eggplant, zucchini, cabbage, chard, carrots, mushrooms …, fruit, without exception, about 150 g of dried fruit and honey per week, olive oil of beverages:, tea, water and unsweetened juice.

Forbidden foods

Sugar, potatoes, cereals, meat, dairy products, chocolate, products made from soy flour and corn, salt, yeast, mayonnaise, vinegar.


Rules of Paleo Diet………..

Breakfast:     Omelet with mushrooms and spinach…..
Snack:             A handful of berries…..
Lunch:           Grilled trout, big mixed salad with dressing of lemon juice and olive oil…..
Snack:          Raw carrots and apples…..
Dinner:       Cooked broccoli, grilled chicken, salad with tomato…..
Dessert:     Apples and fried walnuts…..

Negative Sides

  • Diet is based on assumptions, as no one accurately knows the menu of our ancestors in Paleozoic.
  • It is important to take calcium also due to exclusion of dairy food.
  • Not suitable for vegans or vegetarians

Positive Sides

  • Intake of protein reduces hunger and speeds up metabolism
  • The body gets sufficient necessary fatty acids
  • Improves the health and reduces the risk of many diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, cancer and osteoporosis.
  • No calorie counting and measuring meals


If an individual really adheres to the Paleo Diet, this can be a very helpful way of Weight Loss fast. Though, adhering to this diet will not be easy, particularly at first, when we need to give up all the foods that are extremely tasty for most of us. So, some side effects may happen in the form of fatigue, headaches and the need for an exacting food. These problems disappear after a few weeks and from that moment on the Paleo diet is easy to most individual, because it is basically a diet in which there is no starvation.

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